Rave Party

11 tips for organizing an event or a rave party - 11 Tips for Organizing an Event or a Rave Party - Psy Brasil - Image Copyright: contato@agideia.com.br

11 Tips for Throwing a Rave Event or Party


Why do you want to throw a party? Sometimes we really want to throw a party, but first consider other issues. You will invest money...

Rebordosa hangover rebordose - WHAT IS Rebordose or Rebordosa? - Psy Brasil - Image Copyright: contato@agideia.com.br

Rebordose Meaning


Rebordosis is related to the physiological changes caused by substances in our body. Harm Reduction is the best prevention.

What is a Rave Party? PLUR: The Elements of Electronic Culture - A sea of people dancing to the beat of the music their silhouettes illuminated by the flashing lights - Image Copyright: contato@agideia.com.br

What is a Rave Party? PLUR: The Elements of Electronic Culture (Video)


What is a rave party? is the question that many beginners at electronic music events ask themselves. Find out what a rave party is.

CRSSD Festival adds the last artists to the 2023 Lineup. - An electronic music festival rave party - Image Copyright: contato@agideia.com.br

CRSSD Festival adds final artists to 2023 Lineup.


This year's CRSSD Festival lineup features Boys Noize, Mindchatter, Hank K, Juliet Mendoza, Yu Su and more.