Sacred Geometry PDF


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Book Index

  1. The Principles of Sacred Geometry
  2. The Shapes
  3. Ancient British Geometry
  4. Ancient Egyptian Sacred Geometry
  5. Mesopotamian and Hebrew Sacred Geometry
  6. Ancient Greece
  7. Vitruvius
  8. The Comacines and Medieval Sacred Geometry
  9. Masonic Symbolism and Documentary Evidence
  10. Problems, Conflicts and Disclosure of Mysteries
  11. The Sacred Geometry of the Renaissance
  12. The Geometry of the Baroque
  13. Sacred Geometry in Exile
  14. Science: The Sacred Geometry Verifier

Sacred Geometry

Geometry is ubiquitous in nature: its order underlies the structure of all things, from molecules to galaxies, from the smallest virus to the largest whale. Despite our detachment from the natural world, we humans are still bound by the natural laws of the universe. The unique artifacts consciously designed by humanity have also been based on systems of geometry since ancient times. These systems, although initially derived from natural forms, have often surpassed them in complexity and ingenuity, and have been endowed with magical powers and profound psychological significance.

Earth Meditation

Geometry – a term meaning “measurement of the earth” – was perhaps one of the first manifestations of civilization at its birth. A fundamental instrument underlying everything done by human hands, geometry developed from a primitive skill: the manipulation of measurement, which in ancient times was considered a branch of magic.

In that ancient period, magic, science, and religion were in fact inseparable, forming part of the set of skills possessed by the priesthood. The earliest religions of humanity were concentrated in natural places where the numinous quality of the earth could be most readily felt: among trees, rocks, springs, in caves, and high places.

The function of the priesthood that developed around these sites of natural sanctity was at first interpretative. The priests and priestesses were the experts who could read the meaning in omens and oracles, storms, winds, earthquakes, and other manifestations of the energies of the universe.

The art of Shamanism

The arts of shamanism that the older priests practiced allowed, with increasing sophistication, the establishment of a ritual priesthood that required external symbols of faith. Uncut boulders and isolated trees were no longer the only requirements for a place of worship.

Compartments were constructed that were demarcated as special holy places, separated from the profane world. In the ritual required by the new plan, geometry became inseparably linked with religious activity.



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